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 Saturday, Oct 7, 2017

 9:30am to 5:00pm

at Murphys Community Park

  505 South Algiers Street

call this numberphone: 209-754-0127
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The Calaveras Grape Stomp, held in conjunction with the Gold Rush Street Faire, is a unique, fun-filled day for the whole family.

Registration for the 2017 Calaveras Grape Stomp is OPEN This year, registration will be on-line only, so dont delay

At the Grape Stomp, teams of two - a Swabber (sometimes called a Mucker) and a Stomper compete to extract the most juice out of measured amounts of wine grapes. The juice is precisely measured and prizes are awarded to all the winners, with special prizes for the top finishers in the Championship Stomp.

Back this year is the Raffle Once again, some lucky winner will have to choose between a fun-filled vacation in Australia or New Zealand. Stay tuned for more details

Teams are encouraged to appear in costume, or not, and prizes are awarded for costumes based on originality, design, and effort. Proceeds from the Grape Stomp support local community groups.

So make plans now to come have some great food, enjoy award- winning Calaveras wine, the huuuge Street Faire, and of course, be part of the best Grape Stomp in California.

hosted by Calaveras Winegrape Alliance