Address:229 New York Ranch Road
- mon,tue,wed,thr,fri from 8:30AM to 4:00PM
The Amador Senior Center is a unique resource for seniors and their caregivers with a multi-purpose center for community and private use.
The Mission of the Amador Senior Center is to support the independence and wellbeing of older adults, ensure their dignity, enhance their self-respect, and promote their participation in all aspects of community life!
The Amador Senior Center, located in Jackson, has a selection of meeting rooms, an auditorium and a fully equipped commercial kitchen available for use by both private and commercial business that require a county-certified kitchen.
The Center is completely handicapped-accessible with four ADA-compliant parking spaces and over 50 regular parking spaces in the well-lit lots.
The Amador Senior Center is also used for senior groups and activities during the daytime and many community groups use it during the evening and on weekends. Community meetings are accommodated during the day when space is available.
The Mission of the Amador Senior Center is to support the independence and wellbeing of older adults, ensure their dignity, enhance their self-respect, and promote their participation in all aspects of community life!
Current Activities at the Center Include
- Art Classes
- Bingo
- Bungo
- Bridge ( several levels )
- Exercise classes
- Caregivers' Support Resources
- Pinochle
- Lending Library
The Amador Senior Center, located in Jackson, has a selection of meeting rooms, an auditorium and a fully equipped commercial kitchen available for use by both private and commercial business that require a county-certified kitchen.
The Center is completely handicapped-accessible with four ADA-compliant parking spaces and over 50 regular parking spaces in the well-lit lots.
The Amador Senior Center is also used for senior groups and activities during the daytime and many community groups use it during the evening and on weekends. Community meetings are accommodated during the day when space is available.
The Center is Available for
- Conferences
- Classes of many kinds
- Monthly meetings
- Concerts
- Workshops
- Seminars
- Large private/public social events
- Fundraising events
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Type: government/social
Goods And Services / Community Room Meeting Location
Goods And Services / Event Center
Local Community / Information, Resources
Social And Government / Senior Services
Type: government/social

Last Updated: 12/25/2022 -