West Point
Blue Mountain Community Renewal Council is a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation serving Calaveras County communities of GLENCOE, RAIL ROAD FLAT, WEST POINT, WILSEYVILLE, (and others as appropriate to our mission).
BMCRC is a 501-c-3 non-profit Corporation formed in 1999 and formally given non-profit status in 2000. Our primary purpose is to create an umbrella to serve various projects in our geographical area. We encourage individuals and groups to create innovative ways to serve their communities.
With BMCRC providing Liability Insurance, our projects are able to hold fund raising events, fun days and meal service within these small communities. BMCRC also provides the 501(c)(3) status for the projects to seek grants from many foundations. It is our desire to help create vibrant, self sustaining communities that serve the varied cultural, social and political factions.
BMCRC is a 501-c-3 non-profit Corporation formed in 1999 and formally given non-profit status in 2000. Our primary purpose is to create an umbrella to serve various projects in our geographical area. We encourage individuals and groups to create innovative ways to serve their communities.
With BMCRC providing Liability Insurance, our projects are able to hold fund raising events, fun days and meal service within these small communities. BMCRC also provides the 501(c)(3) status for the projects to seek grants from many foundations. It is our desire to help create vibrant, self sustaining communities that serve the varied cultural, social and political factions.
Parent Agency of:
Rail Road Flat Baseball Park |
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Type: government/social
Local Community / Community Groups
Type: government/social

Last Updated: 05/10/2021 -