22 main Street
San Andreas
- tue,wed,thr,fri from 11:00AM to 4:00PM
The Calaveras County Arts Council is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation. Founded in 1981, our purpose is to coordinate excellence in the presenting and promotion of the visual and performing arts of all cultures for artists, residents and visitors.
By being a member and/or making a donation you directly contribute to programs such as
Become a member of the Calaveras Arts Council and help us support, nourish, and awaken the arts in our community.
Join the Calaveras Arts Council
By being a member and/or making a donation you directly contribute to programs such as
- FREE Music in the Parks 10 weeks of summer concerts throughout Calaveras County
- Ovations Performing Art Series at the Bret Harte Theater
- Arts in Education matching grants to provide arts programs in our local schools
- Scholarship Programs for graduating high school seniors
- Artists Studio Tour - visit the homes of local artists and see where they work
- The Gallery Store open all year round but with special Affordable Art during the holidays
- Special programs such as Scars, Ride4Art, Flight and Art Beats for Veterans
Become a member of the Calaveras Arts Council and help us support, nourish, and awaken the arts in our community.
Featuring Local Products/Services
Tech Journals, Notebooks & Postcards by Larry Made - doPlaces |
04/13/2025 2:00p-4:00p |
![]() in Angels Camp (entertainment) |
Locals: 2
Visitors: 0
Customers: 0
Type: government/social
Activities And Entertainment / Arts, Cultural, Museum
Fashion, Clothes, Beauty / Jewelry, Fashion Acesssories
Goods And Services / Art Gallery
Goods And Services / Gifts, Souvenirs
Local Community / Community Groups

Type: government/social

Last Updated: 03/14/2024 -