Address:509 East Saint Charles Street
San Andreas
part of Calaveras County Administrative Office |
- mon,tue,wed,thr,fri from 8:00AM to 5:00PM
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKS)
Time limited benefit payment program to help needy families.
Foster Care
Aid for children removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect.
Food Stamps
A food supplement program designed to meet the nutritional needs of low income individuals and families.
California's Medical assistance program to provide health care to federally eligible needy or low income California residents.
County Medical Services Program (CMSP)
Medical assistance for individuals, ages 21-64, who do not qualify for medical services through Medi-Cal, but whose income and resources are within the amounts allowed.
General Assistance Program
County funded assistance program for indigent adults not aided by other federal or state assistance programs.
Apply Online
You can apply on line for CalWORKs, Food Stamps, Medi-Cal and County Medical Services Program
To apply please follow this link: Apply Online
CalWORKS Employment Services
Employment training program for CalWORKS recipients, including supervised job search, job club, job preparation slots, basic education and specific training programs.
General Assistance Work Program
Employment Services for General Assistance recipients, including job workshops, job preparation and county work site programs.
Adult Protective Services (APS)
Protective services to dependent adults.
In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
Provides homemaker/chore services to people unable to remain safely at home without such services.
Public Guardian/Probate Conservative Program
Service program for individuals unable to care for themselves or their estates.
County Veterans Services
Assists veterans and their dependents in obtaining medical or cash benefits available to them from Department of Veterans Affairs.
Foster Care Recruitment
Have you ever considered becoming a foster parent? If you have, the children of Calaveras County need you Here are the phone numbers of those agencies that can help you with the process:
916-651-8848 Department of Social Services District Division
209-920-3357 California Foster Families Agency
209-754-5500 Environmental Alternatives Foster Family Agency
Families' First Foster Family Agency (877) 488-5437
For more information please visit the California Dept of Social Services
Emergency Response (ER) Program
24 hour response to reports of child abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Family Maintenance Services (FM)
Voluntary or court ordered services to families having problems with abuse and or neglect to maintain the child in his or her own home.
Family Reunification Service (FR)
Court ordered services to alleviate family problems that led to removal of an abused and or neglected child and to allow child to safely return home.
Permanency Planning Program (PP)
Services to children who have been removed from their home due to abuse and or neglect who cannot return home. (Long term foster care, legal guardian, and adoption)
Independent Living Program (ILP)
Provides specific instruction to children 16 and older in foster care to teach independent living skills. (Job hunting, homemaking, etc.)
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKS)
Time limited benefit payment program to help needy families.
Foster Care
Aid for children removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect.
Food Stamps
A food supplement program designed to meet the nutritional needs of low income individuals and families.
California's Medical assistance program to provide health care to federally eligible needy or low income California residents.
County Medical Services Program (CMSP)
Medical assistance for individuals, ages 21-64, who do not qualify for medical services through Medi-Cal, but whose income and resources are within the amounts allowed.
General Assistance Program
County funded assistance program for indigent adults not aided by other federal or state assistance programs.
Apply Online
You can apply on line for CalWORKs, Food Stamps, Medi-Cal and County Medical Services Program
To apply please follow this link: Apply Online
CalWORKS Employment Services
Employment training program for CalWORKS recipients, including supervised job search, job club, job preparation slots, basic education and specific training programs.
General Assistance Work Program
Employment Services for General Assistance recipients, including job workshops, job preparation and county work site programs.
Adult Protective Services (APS)
Protective services to dependent adults.
In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
Provides homemaker/chore services to people unable to remain safely at home without such services.
Public Guardian/Probate Conservative Program
Service program for individuals unable to care for themselves or their estates.
County Veterans Services
Assists veterans and their dependents in obtaining medical or cash benefits available to them from Department of Veterans Affairs.
Foster Care Recruitment
Have you ever considered becoming a foster parent? If you have, the children of Calaveras County need you Here are the phone numbers of those agencies that can help you with the process:
916-651-8848 Department of Social Services District Division
209-920-3357 California Foster Families Agency
209-754-5500 Environmental Alternatives Foster Family Agency
Families' First Foster Family Agency (877) 488-5437
For more information please visit the California Dept of Social Services
Emergency Response (ER) Program
24 hour response to reports of child abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Family Maintenance Services (FM)
Voluntary or court ordered services to families having problems with abuse and or neglect to maintain the child in his or her own home.
Family Reunification Service (FR)
Court ordered services to alleviate family problems that led to removal of an abused and or neglected child and to allow child to safely return home.
Permanency Planning Program (PP)
Services to children who have been removed from their home due to abuse and or neglect who cannot return home. (Long term foster care, legal guardian, and adoption)
Independent Living Program (ILP)
Provides specific instruction to children 16 and older in foster care to teach independent living skills. (Job hunting, homemaking, etc.)
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Type: government/social
Local Community / Information, Resources
Local Community / Trainings, Workshops
Medical, Health, Emergency / Health Care Organization
Social And Government / Disabilities Services
Social And Government / Employment, Job Training
Social And Government / Family Services
Social And Government / Government
Social And Government / Health, Safety
Social And Government / Other Social Services
Social And Government / Senior Services
Type: government/social

Last Updated: 08/19/2024 -