Address:9565 Cave City Road
Mountain Ranch
- sun,wed,thr,fri,sat from 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Different tours depending upon wet or dry season
Visitors have enjoyed the unique delicate beauty of the cavern's crystalline formations. Some speleothems, such as the beaded helictites found in the Middle Earth area are very rare. Others are so numerous as to be spectacular, such as the "Jungle Room's" array of stalactites. Besides 2 fun walking tours, we also offer the wonderful opportunity to participate in underground adventures - our professionally guided wild cavern spelunking trips - the Mammoth Cave Expedition and Middle Earth Expedition.
Visit website-call for more details.
Visitors have enjoyed the unique delicate beauty of the cavern's crystalline formations. Some speleothems, such as the beaded helictites found in the Middle Earth area are very rare. Others are so numerous as to be spectacular, such as the "Jungle Room's" array of stalactites. Besides 2 fun walking tours, we also offer the wonderful opportunity to participate in underground adventures - our professionally guided wild cavern spelunking trips - the Mammoth Cave Expedition and Middle Earth Expedition.
Visit website-call for more details.
(no related events)
Locals: 1
Visitors: 2
Customers: 0
Type: park and rec
Activities And Entertainment / Point Of Interest
Activities And Entertainment / Sporting, Sports Area
Activities And Entertainment / Tours, Travel
Goods And Services / Event Center
Goods And Services / Gifts, Souvenirs

Type: park and rec

Last Updated: 03/29/2025 -