Address:22540 Parrots Ferry Road
- mon,tue,wed,thr,fri from 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Columbia Union School District is located two miles north of Sonora in the gold country of the Sierra Nevada Foothills.
Columbia Elementary School began in the 1800s as a one-room schoolhouse located in historic Columbia State Park. The old schoolhouse still stands and is maintained by the State Park for tours and presentations. Columbia Elementary School relocated in 1936 when a new school building was constructed on Parrotts Ferry Road. Over the years the campus has expanded to meet the needs of the growing district. In 2007, the district completed construction of 19 state of the art classrooms and an Education, Sports and Performing Arts Complex. Today Columbia Union School District serves 600 students in grades K-8.
Columbia Elementary School began in the 1800s as a one-room schoolhouse located in historic Columbia State Park. The old schoolhouse still stands and is maintained by the State Park for tours and presentations. Columbia Elementary School relocated in 1936 when a new school building was constructed on Parrotts Ferry Road. Over the years the campus has expanded to meet the needs of the growing district. In 2007, the district completed construction of 19 state of the art classrooms and an Education, Sports and Performing Arts Complex. Today Columbia Union School District serves 600 students in grades K-8.
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Goods And Services / Event Center
Local Community / Schools
Type: government/social

Last Updated: 02/16/2019 -