Rail Road Flat

The Friends of Rail Road Flat School offers an Enrichment Program to RRF School students. As well as fitness and nutrition info and classes to community.
The Friends of Rail Road Flat School Mission is to enhance students learning by promoting and implementing activities that will keep Rail Road Flat Elementary School in continual existence, as it has been since 1866.
The enrichment program classes are offered in addition to the standard curriculum through classes and workshops. Different programs include gardening, crochet, photography, mural painting, construction, sports, sign language, weaving, sewing, guitar, drama, ceramics, and more.
These classes are building students enthusiasm towards school, self esteem, and instilling life skills. The town of Rail Road Flat lacks a park, community club, or library - so the school is the heart and soul providing an opportunity for children to be productively engaged, thriving, and learning outside of traditional school opportunities.
The Friends of Rail Road Flat School Mission is to enhance students learning by promoting and implementing activities that will keep Rail Road Flat Elementary School in continual existence, as it has been since 1866.
The enrichment program classes are offered in addition to the standard curriculum through classes and workshops. Different programs include gardening, crochet, photography, mural painting, construction, sports, sign language, weaving, sewing, guitar, drama, ceramics, and more.
These classes are building students enthusiasm towards school, self esteem, and instilling life skills. The town of Rail Road Flat lacks a park, community club, or library - so the school is the heart and soul providing an opportunity for children to be productively engaged, thriving, and learning outside of traditional school opportunities.
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Type: community-group
Local Community / Community Groups
Local Community / Schools
Type: community-group

Last Updated: 02/16/2019 -