Address:1894 Six Mile Road

Weddings Venue
- sun,mon,tue,wed,thr,fri,sat from 11:00AM to 5:00PM
"Where history and wine meet."
Ironstone Vineyards is a premier destination winery located in Murphys, California. Amenities include our Tasting Room & Gold Leaf Deli, Heritage Museum (home to our 44-pound crystalline gold piece) & Jewelry Shoppe, Amphitheater, plush gardens featuring a lakeside park, and complimentary tours of our facilities.
Our wines reflect the diversity of offerings from the Lodi and Sierra Foothills Appellations of Northern California. Through emphasizing the practice of Sustainable Viticulture, Ironstone Vineyards conserves water use, builds healthy soil, and maintains our surrounding wildlife habitat.
Complimentary Tours begin in the Tasting Room at 1:30 p.m. (Wednesday through Sunday only).
Ironstone Vineyards is a premier destination winery located in Murphys, California. Amenities include our Tasting Room & Gold Leaf Deli, Heritage Museum (home to our 44-pound crystalline gold piece) & Jewelry Shoppe, Amphitheater, plush gardens featuring a lakeside park, and complimentary tours of our facilities.
Our wines reflect the diversity of offerings from the Lodi and Sierra Foothills Appellations of Northern California. Through emphasizing the practice of Sustainable Viticulture, Ironstone Vineyards conserves water use, builds healthy soil, and maintains our surrounding wildlife habitat.
Complimentary Tours begin in the Tasting Room at 1:30 p.m. (Wednesday through Sunday only).
Available Locally
2-Wines at Treat's General Store in San Andreas |
Locals: 1
Visitors: 0
Customers: 0
Type: business
Activities And Entertainment / Arts, Cultural, Museum
Activities And Entertainment / Tours, Travel
Activities And Entertainment / Winery Tasting Room
Food And Dining / Liquor, Wine, Spirits
Food And Dining / Restaurant
Goods And Services / Community Room Meeting Location
Goods And Services / Event Center
Goods And Services / Gifts, Souvenirs

Type: business

Last Updated: 10/28/2017 -