Sutter Creek
Main Street Theatre Works is a professionally-oriented, rural theatre company performing in Amador County, California. Now in our fifteenth year, we are dedicated to bringing professional and community theatre artists together to produce classical and contemporary plays, striving for a balance that stimulates both artists and audiences. An ensemble of gifted actors, directors, and designers lend their vision and skills to create rich seasons of comedy and drama.
Main Street Theatre Works performs in diverse venues, including summer theatre under the stars at the picturesque Kennedy Mine Amphitheatre. Throughout the years, MSTW has been continually nominated for regional theatre awards, and received outstanding reviews for their productions.
Main Street Theatre Works performs in diverse venues, including summer theatre under the stars at the picturesque Kennedy Mine Amphitheatre. Throughout the years, MSTW has been continually nominated for regional theatre awards, and received outstanding reviews for their productions.
Parent Agency of:
Kennedy Mine Ampetheatre |
(no votes yet)
Type: government/social
Activities And Entertainment / Arts, Cultural, Museum
Activities And Entertainment / Theater, Music, Dancing
Goods And Services / Entertainer, Entertainment Service
Type: government/social

Last Updated: 03/25/2016 -