Address:824 North State Hwy 49
- sun,mon,tue,wed,thr,fri,sat from 9:00AM to 5:00PM
These cast aluminum statues are hand-crafted by foundry workers in various parts of Mexico. For twelve years now they have been imported by The Metal Zoo and sold from big trailers roadside and in parking lots all over the western U.S.
Our permanent art gallery and showroom has been located in Jackson, CA for 16 years now, and we still have associates roaming the country and selling from a trailer.
Our never-ending search for art that features reclaimed or recycled materials continues. We will continue to find striking art created from reclaimed scrap metal, an assortment of junk, debris and refuse.
- Cast Aluminum Statues That Look Like Bronze
- Strong, Weatherproof & Non-Corrosive Construction
- Suitable for Indoor and Outdoor Use
- Guaranteed Craftsmanship & Quality of Materials
formerly Poor Man's Bronze
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Last Updated: 08/27/2024 -