429 East Saint Charles Street
San Andreas
part of Calaveras County Administrative Office |

Youtube Channel
- mon,tue,wed,thr,fri from 8:00AM to 4:00PM
broadcasts Calaveras community videos, meetings and shows, provides training and equipment for producing local shows. Broadcast on Comcast Channel 7 in Calaveras County.
The Paul Moeller Calaveras County Public Access Televison Studio is located in San Andreas, California. We are a P.E.G. (Public Education Government) Access organization that is a part of Calaveras County Government, and are one of a handful of departments that are self funded. Our funding comes from Cable Frachise Fees, and is used to support the two channels we operate, Comcast Channels 7 & 9 in Calaveras County, which are local channels that are currently reserved for local programming that benefit the residents of Calaveras County. P.E.G Access in Calaveras County was founded by Calaveras Community TV, a non-profit organization that was formed in the 1980s to facilitate building of the local studio and air original community programming.
The Paul Moeller Calaveras County Public Access Televison Studio is located in San Andreas, California. We are a P.E.G. (Public Education Government) Access organization that is a part of Calaveras County Government, and are one of a handful of departments that are self funded. Our funding comes from Cable Frachise Fees, and is used to support the two channels we operate, Comcast Channels 7 & 9 in Calaveras County, which are local channels that are currently reserved for local programming that benefit the residents of Calaveras County. P.E.G Access in Calaveras County was founded by Calaveras Community TV, a non-profit organization that was formed in the 1980s to facilitate building of the local studio and air original community programming.
keywords: video, CCTV, PEG Access TV
(no related events)
Locals: 1
Visitors: 0
Customers: 2
Type: government/social
Activities And Entertainment / Media, Radio, Video Rental
Goods And Services / Artist, Photographer, Video
Local Community / Information, Resources
Local Community / News And Media
Local Community / Trainings, Workshops
Local Community / Volunteer Organizations

Type: government/social

Last Updated: 07/23/2023 -