Address:18815 Ridge Road
Pine Grove

- mon,tue,wed,thr,fri,sat from 9:30AM to 4:00PM
We always have an abundance of great seasonal selections and many not found in other nurseries because they are locally grown. We bring you the bountiful plants of each growing season, the best we can offer. If you don't see what you are looking for, we would be glad to order it for you.
We carry shade and fruit trees, shrubs, nut trees ... perennials, annuals, seasonal bulbs, corms, rhizomes... such a wonderful assortment for your gardens. Come in and browse for creative ideas. Walk along our nursery paths through hundreds of selections see the gorgeous colors in any season We special-order roses, fruits, vegetables, shade and fruit and nut trees through the seasons, just for you. This year we have over 60 varieties of fruit trees.
We carry shade and fruit trees, shrubs, nut trees ... perennials, annuals, seasonal bulbs, corms, rhizomes... such a wonderful assortment for your gardens. Come in and browse for creative ideas. Walk along our nursery paths through hundreds of selections see the gorgeous colors in any season We special-order roses, fruits, vegetables, shade and fruit and nut trees through the seasons, just for you. This year we have over 60 varieties of fruit trees.
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Type: business
Goods And Services / Decorating Landscaping
Goods And Services / Gardening, Landscaping, Agriculture
Local Community / Information, Resources
Type: business

Last Updated: 12/24/2022 -