287 Treat Avenue
San Andreas
part of San Andreas Recreation and Park District |
Gerald Turner Park
Amenities include a gazebo, picnic tables, barbecues, a playground, kitchen, bathrooms, horseshoe pits and a skate park. All or part of the Park may be reserved for special occasions for a fee.
see website about rental
Amenities include a gazebo, picnic tables, barbecues, a playground, kitchen, bathrooms, horseshoe pits and a skate park. All or part of the Park may be reserved for special occasions for a fee.
see website about rental
(no related events)
Locals: 1
Visitors: 0
Customers: 0
Type: park and rec
Activities And Entertainment / Park, Rest Stop, Picnic Area
Activities And Entertainment / Sporting, Sports Area
Goods And Services / Event Center

Type: park and rec

Last Updated: 07/01/2021 -