- Find and Do More
in Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties


searching everywhere. (click to change area)
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 1) Mother Lode Ranch
    in Sonora [business]
--  2) San Andreas 4-H Club
    in San Andreas [community-group]
 3) Rancho Calaveras Property Owner's Association Clubhouse
    in Valley Springs [community-group]
 4) Peoria Wildlife Management Area Hiking/Equestrian Trail
    in Sonora [park and rec]
 5) Tri County Wildlife Care
    in Sutter Creek [government/social]
open  6) 49er Ranch RV Park
    9:00a-6:00p in Columbia [business]
open  7) Rancher's Outlet
    9:00a-6:00p in Plymouth [business]
open  8) The Rock of Twain Harte
    11:00a-8:00p in Twain Harte [business]
 9) Amador County Animal Response Team
    in Plymouth [community-group]
 A) National Hotel & Restaurant
    in Jamestown [business]
open  B) Pet Mart
    9:00a-9:00p in Sonora [business]
open  C) Upper Ridge Veterinary Care
    8:30a-5:00p in Pine Grove [business]
 D) Dennis Wilmer - Great Rewards
    in San Andreas [business]
open  E) Country Feed and More
    9:00a-5:30p in San Andreas [business]
 F) Marredda Gardens, Barrys Courts, Hobbs Fields, & Horse Arena
    in Mokelumne Hill [park and rec, 2s]
--  G) West Point 4-H Club
    in West Point [community-group]
 H) Harmony Ranch
    in Mountain Ranch [business]
open  I) Jackson Creek Veterinary
    8:00a-7:00p in Jackson [business]
 J) Groveland Hotel
    in Groveland [business]
open  K) Calaveras Humane Society Thrift Store
    10:00a-5:00p in Arnold [business]
open  L) Blue Oak Veterinary Hospital
    8:00a-6:00p in Jackson [business]
 M) A PAL Humane Society
    in Jackson [community-group]
open  N) Ione Tack and Feed
    8:00a-5:00p in Ione [business]
open  O) Belinda & Steve's Feed Seed & Supply
    7:00a-6:00p in Pine Grove [business]
 P) Carrie's Critter Couture & Biscuit Bar
    in Arnold [business]
 2) Calaveras Wranglers 4-H Club
    in San Andreas [community-group]



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