30 North Main Street
San Andreas
part of Calaveras County Historical Society |

Museum Website

Wikipedia - Calaveras Courthouse
- sun,mon,tue,wed,thr,fri,sat from 10:00AM to 4:00PM
The Calaveras County Museum, housed in the old Calaveras County Courthouse and Jail, less than a block from Highway 49, has had a history of its own - built in 1867 the courthouse has been the venue of many trials and the jail had had held the likes of Black Bart, the infamous stagecoach robber.
$3 Adults
$2 Seniors (60 and over)
$1 Children (under 12)
Unlike most museums in the area, the Calaveras County Museum is open seven days a week.
The Museum features the courtroom and offices (restored to it's 1800s glory) as well as many artifacts of the gold rush and later eras on display. Also of note - the courtroom and buildings have been the backdrop for many TV shows and movies, including Little House on the Prairie, Highway to Heaven, High Mountain Rangers, and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.
Outside the courthouse on route to the jails in the back, there are various outdoor and outbuilding displays among a picturesque garden stroll.
The Gift Shop includes many souvenirs including goldpans, sample gold flakes, gold country tee shirts, mother lode history and geology books, and posters about Black Bart.
$3 Adults
$2 Seniors (60 and over)
$1 Children (under 12)
Unlike most museums in the area, the Calaveras County Museum is open seven days a week.
The Museum features the courtroom and offices (restored to it's 1800s glory) as well as many artifacts of the gold rush and later eras on display. Also of note - the courtroom and buildings have been the backdrop for many TV shows and movies, including Little House on the Prairie, Highway to Heaven, High Mountain Rangers, and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.
Outside the courthouse on route to the jails in the back, there are various outdoor and outbuilding displays among a picturesque garden stroll.
The Gift Shop includes many souvenirs including goldpans, sample gold flakes, gold country tee shirts, mother lode history and geology books, and posters about Black Bart.
(no related events)
Locals: 3
Visitors: 1
Customers: 0
Type: park and rec
Activities And Entertainment / Arts, Cultural, Museum
Activities And Entertainment / Tours, Travel
Goods And Services / Gifts, Souvenirs
Local Community / Information, Resources

Type: park and rec

Last Updated: 03/24/2023 -