30 North Main Street
San Andreas

Main Site
- mon,tue,wed,thr,fri from 9:00AM to 12:00PM
- mon,tue,wed,thr,fri from 1:00PM to 4:00PM
The Calaveras County Historical Society has a wealth of information about our history. Our materials and resource library are especially helpful concerning local pioneer families and gold mining.
The Society also has one of the most extensive photo collections in the Mother Lode. We can have prints made for a fee, or you can bring in a camera and take your own.
Research fees are $15 per hour (the first hour is free). Copies are $0.50 each (The 1st one is $1.00).
If you have a written history of a Calaveras County family, please share it with us. We always want to add information to our files.
Contact us for more information regarding research services.
The Society also has one of the most extensive photo collections in the Mother Lode. We can have prints made for a fee, or you can bring in a camera and take your own.
Research fees are $15 per hour (the first hour is free). Copies are $0.50 each (The 1st one is $1.00).
If you have a written history of a Calaveras County family, please share it with us. We always want to add information to our files.
Contact us for more information regarding research services.
Parent Agency of:
Calaveras County Museum | |
Red Barn Museum |
(no votes yet)
Type: government/social
Activities And Entertainment / Arts, Cultural, Museum
Local Community / Information, Resources
Local Community / Libraries
Type: government/social

Last Updated: 03/24/2023 -