- Find and Do More
in Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties


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1) Calaveras High Class of 1975 Multi Class Reunion - July 12th
   in San Andreas [notice]
--  2) Valley Springs Elementary School
    in Valley Springs [government/social]
 3) Albert Michelson Elementary School
    in Murphys [government/social]
--  4) Rail Road Flat Elementary School
    in Rail Road Flat [government/social]
 5) Copperopolis Elementary School
    in Copperopolis [government/social]
 6) Amador Adult Education
    in Sutter Creek [business]
 7) Hazel Fischer Elementary School
    in Arnold [government/social]
 8) Bret Harte Theater
    in Angels Camp [government/social]
 9) Friends of the Rail Road Flat School
    in Rail Road Flat [community-group]
 A) Ione Junior High School
    in Ione [government/social]
 B) Calaveras High School Drama
    in San Andreas [community-group]
 C) Columbia College
    in Sonora [government/social]
 D) Ione Elementary School
    in Ione [government/social]
open  E) Columbia Union School District/Elementary
    9:00a-5:00p in Columbia [government/social]
 F) Sutter Creek Elementary School
    in Sutter Creek [government/social]
 G) Vallecito Union School District
    in Avery [government/social]
 H) Christian Family Learning Center
    in Angels Camp [government/social]
 I) Mark Twain Union Elementary School District
    in Angels Camp [government/social]
 J) Sierra Waldorf School
    in Jamestown [business]
 K) Mokelumne Hill Elementary
    in Mokelumne Hill [government/social]
open  L) Calaveras Unified School District
    7:30a-4:30p in San Andreas [government/social]
 M) Valley Springs Elementary Parent Teacher Organization
    in Valley Springs [community-group]
N) TRC Amador & Calaveras Resource Directory
    in Mokelumne Hill [government/social, 5s]
 O) Calaveras Youth Organization
    in San Andreas [community-group]
--  P) UCCE Master Gardeners of Amador County
    in Jackson [government/social]
--  Q) San Andreas Elementary
    in San Andreas [government/social]



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